Import formats ?

Exchanges about RC Localize
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Import formats ?

Post by kvo » Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:41 pm


I'm evaluating this software for my company needs. We develop software and are looking for means to easily have them translated by non-programmers. Most of the code is written in VB6, and some apps are now done with .NET 2.0 (using C#, but it does not matter for resource files).

Hence our resource files are generated by Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, producing respectively .res and .resx files. The evaluation version of RC Localize offers me to import only .rc files, which I cannot unbuild from .res or .resx files (otherwise please let me know how to do so !).

Is this a limitation to the evaluation version or do I always have to provide script definition files to RC Localize ?

Thanks for advising on this issue.

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Re: Import formats ?

Post by mootools » Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:11 pm


RC Localize is not able to import res or resx file.
It handles actually only rc files.

Sorry for this limitation.

Manuel - Mootools


Re: Import formats ?

Post by VS.NETuser » Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:35 pm

What is, and how do you get an RC file?

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Re: Import formats ?

Post by mootools » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:21 am

This is the standard resource format when you build Win32 C, C++ application.
You create a resource file with the resource editor. You can get access to it, by creating an MFC application for example. In VS2005:

1- New > New Project
2-Select Visual C++ > MFC Application
3- Enter a name for your project, Click OK.
4- Click on Finish in the MFC wizard.
5- Double click on the .rc file in the solution explorer
6- You get access to the resource editor.

The resource editor generates an ASCII file which is then translated to a res file once compiled.

An improvement in RC Localize might consist in importing an already compiled file (res file). But it might be delicate because identifier are number and not strings, which makes difficulties to track changes from one version to the other.

I hope this help.

Manuel Jouglet


Re: Import formats ?

Post by kvo » Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:12 am

Well, this is a major drawback for any C#/VB.NET application, as VS2005 doesn't give access to any resource file other than the already compiled one (.resx/.res). In a standard C# project, the solution explorer shows a Resources.resx file, which opens the VS2005 (simplistic) Resource Editor on double-clicking. I can access the associated Resources.Designer.cs, but it's only the designer generated code for this resource file handler, not the resources themselves.

As I am not using C/C++, I cannot create a C/C++ project with VS2005, which I could have used to edit my resources.

Although this software looked very promising, we just cannot use it for what we need... Other market software that do import compiled resource files give access to numerated strings, true. We ended using one of them.

Thanks for the provided answer.

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