Problems importing from a text file

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Problems importing from a text file

Post by jirmed » Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:50 am


I have a project consisting of fi rc resources. I have exported the translation into a text file and after modifications I have tried to reimported back in to RC Localize. The first resource has imported without problems. But none of the further resorces got imported. In the error log there are following messages for all the imported texts:

[list]Action Line Remark Text
Important notes The identifier name MPERR_AM_RELEASE_CONTRACT does not match the reference 482 Při zápisu do souboru faktur nastala chyba.
Important notes The identifier name MPERR_APPLIC_EXECUTE_CMD does not match the reference 461 Při provedení příkazu nastala chyba.
Important notes The identifier name MPERR_APPLIC_EXECUTE_FUNCTION does not match the reference 476 Při provedení funkce nastala chyba.
I get the same error even if I try to reimport the original export without any modifications.

Can someone suggest what can be the problem?



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Re: Problems importing from a text file

Post by mootools » Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:51 am


Please first, be sure to use the latest release : RC Localize 7.03.
There was a problem with release 7.0 about that point.

Do you use the same project when you try to reimport your text file?

For taking advantage of importing and exporting resource as text file this is really important to follow these steps:
  • Import your resource into RC Localize
  • Save this RC Localize project
  • Export your project as text file
Once you have modify your text file:
  • Open the previously saved project
  • Reimport your text file into the project
Do you follow these steps?
If so, please could you send the text file (.txt) as well as the project file (.loc) at our technical support email (Use Help > Contact Technical Support)
We don't need the resource file themself.


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