Create animated GIF file

Create Animated GIF file
Version: for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
menu access: Tools / Video / Create animated GIF file

Using this tool, you'll create animated GIF from the images, which are selected, in the current directory.

To create an animated Gif file:

Colors conversion

Conversion parameters

Gif format is an indexed color format, so images must be converted to 256 or less color mode. Look at Indexed colors for more information on these settings.

Images size

Width / Height

Keep proportions

Enter the animation size (in pixels).

Selected images might have different sizes.
Check Keep proportions if you don't want to modify proportions of images when they'll be inserted in the animation. This option should be checked if you don't want to distort your images.

Proportions calculation depends on the size of the first file to be inserted in the animation.

Resize source

Crop source

Animation size might be different than images size. These settings do not matter if the selected images size and the animation size are the same.

Check Resize source to enlarge or shrunk images to fit the animation size.

Check Crop source to crop images bigger than the animation. For such image, a centered crop is performed. Nothing is done for images smaller than animation size.

Background color

Background color appears on the animation, when images size is smaller than the animation size.

Click on the color picker to choose a color on the screen or, click on the color button to display the color selector dialog box.


Animation loops

Compressed Gif (LZW)

Enter the number of loops you want to display the animation. Enter 0 to repeat the animation indefinitely.

Check this setting to enable LZW compression. LZW compression reduces the size of the gif file (image quality is not modified).

Settings for the selected images

These parameters can differ from one image to the other. Select one or more images, then modify a setting to apply it to the selection.
When several images are selected, a setting is bold displayed if it is not the same for all the selected images.


Transparency color

Check this setting to enable transparency and to select a transparency color for the selected images.

Select the transparency color for the selected images. The HTML background will be displayed through the areas, which have this color.
Click on the color picker to choose a color on the screen or, click on the color button to display the color selector dialog box.

Display delay Enter the delay for which the selected images will be displayed.
Disposal mode This setting changes the way an image will be covered by the next one. This setting matter only when you set the Transparency setting on.
Depending on the selected disposal mode, images can be displayed successively or can be stacked up.