Batch command processing
Select destination

Destination Files (Batch Command)
Version: for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
menu access: Tools/Batch command...
toolbar access
keyboard access: Ctrl+B

Destination Files command saves the batch processing results. Used in conjunction with Source files command, it performs file format conversion.

A batch command usually contains one Destination Files command at the end of the commands list. If this command is missing, batch command has no effect because batch processing results are not saved.
A batch command can also contain several Destination Files commands in you want to save different steps of the batch processing.

To open command dialog parameters:

Destination directory

Define the directory that will contain batch processing results.

Select Same as the source directory in order to save the destination files in the source directory (defined using the Source files command). Check carefully name and replacement mode for the destination files. Source files might be replaced if bad options are selected.

Save results in Selected directory checking this option. Enter its path or select it, using the Browse... button.
You can enter a path which is relative to the source directory. For example, if your directory is C:\tmp\images and if you enter ..\results, results will be saved in C:\tmp\results.

Destination directory files are excluded from the batch processing, if it is a source directory sub directory. This avoids applying the batch command on resulting files, and consequently to multiply resulting files, in the case you run the batch command several times.

Same as the source directory

Selected directory


Recreate directories tree

Check this option in order to recreate the source directory tree in the destination directory. It has no effect if Include sub directories is unchecked in Source files command.

All resulting files are saved in the destination directory, if this option is left unchecked.

Name and replacement mode...

Select the replacement mode in the case the destination directory already contains files.

Source file name is kept if no name conflict occurs when a destination file is saved.
If a conflict occurs, rename automatically the destination file using Name file in order to never replace a file of the destination directory. 3D Photo Browser numbers resulting file name, so the existing file is not replaced.

If name conflict occurs you can also ask for a replacement confirmation or replace the existing file by the new one without asking for anything. Be careful using this option particularly if source files directory and destination files directory are the same.

Name files...

Ask for replace...

Never ask...

Add following text to file name

You can add a text to the destination files names. Text is added to the end of filenames. Use this feature if the batch command contains several Destination directory command.

Destination file format

Resulting files might have a different format than source files. If you wish to perform conversion, check Convert to the selected format then select the target format from the list. Click on Settings... if the selected format has settings dialog box.

Check Keep source file format in order to keep source files formats. It's better to set parameters for each formats from the format list and using the settings... button. These parameters are saved with the batch command and need to be define only the first time.

Keep source file format

Convert to the selected format


Display only common files extensions

3D Photo Browser recognizes a lot of formats. Display only the most common formats using this checkbox.