GLTF: reading a gltf file from a memory block
This is now possible to read and write GLTF from/to memory block.
This feature is useful to avoid read/write operation on the disk when you already have the gltf file loaded in your memory.
This can be done through the COMMON_IMPORT_FROM_MEMORY_DATA option as shown below:
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// Where data is you memory pointer on the GLTF data (unsigned char *data)
// Where memDataSize is the size of the block
CSceneImportOptions impoptions;
impoptions.GetParserOptions().SetBinary(COMMON_IMPORT_FROM_MEMORY_DATA, data, memDataSize); // Cf. note above
C3DIo file(L"datablock.glb", FILE_PARSER_LOADING);
C3DScene *newscene = file.Read(&impoptions);
Note that the filename does not really matter but it is needed to know if the memory block is a glb or a gltf file.
This is done by the SDK using the provided extension.
This is also possible to write a scene to GLTF file to a memory block as shown here:
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CSceneExportOptions expoptions;
expoptions.GetParserOptions().SetBool(COMMON_EXPORT_TO_MEMORY, true);
expoptions.GetParserOptions().SetBool(GLTF_EXPORT_OPTION_EMBEDDED_MEDIA, true); // You can embed media with some restriction
C3DIo file(_T("MemoryScene.glb"), FILE_PARSER_SAVING);
bool result = file.Save(scene, &expoptions); // &options is optional and can be removed if you don't need JT
bool result = file.Save(scene, &expoptions); // &options is optional and can be removed if you don't need JT
if (result)
unsigned int memDataSize = expoptions.GetParserOptions().GetDataSize(COMMON_EXPORT_MEMORY_DATA);
unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)xAllocateArray(unsigned char, memDataSize);
expoptions.GetParserOptions().GetBinary(COMMON_EXPORT_MEMORY_DATA, data, memDataSize); // Get you memory block from the exporter
As above, the extension is used to know if you want to output to memory a gltf or glb memory block.
You can also embed media in the output block if the texture map is a JPEG, PNG, BMP or GIF file.
Note that read / write to memory block can be done using the update mode.
In this case the pipeline is the following:
Get gltf memory block, read it and retrieve the C3DScene pointer. Simply add:
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impoptions.flags = SCENE_IMPORT_UPDATE_MODE;
Optimize the C3DScene and get the optimize scene
Write back to gltf using the update feature to keep as most information as possible from the input gltf memory block. Simply add:
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expoptions.flags |= SCENE_EXPORT_TRY_UPDATE_FILE;