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Adding Right Click functionality?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:28 am
by CoSAvfx
Is there a way to add "Right+Click" functionality to "Copy and Paste to... (a desired location)"

We have several productions going on at a time (each has it's own folder structure and possibly on different servers), and we could really use a tool that allows us to search 2D/3D repository and then copy and paste that asset to their production of choice. Currently we can Zip and file, navigate to it, copy the zip, navigate to where it needs to go, paste, and then unzip.

I'd love to be able to define specific locations (ahead of time) to help populate a drop down menu- so that when an individual finds an asset that they want, they can Right+Click select the "CopyAndPaste too", then choose the (network) location that they'd like it delivered too.

Is this possible to script or too add as a feature?