OpenGL / Preferences

Customize the viewer settings using OpenGL preferences.
You can adjust the view, depending on your computer performances, to accelerate the display or to increase the render quality

General preferences
Version: Light / for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
menu access : Tools
OpenGL viewer toolbar

Double-sided display
Switch between a double-sided display or a single-sided display. In single-sided mode, faces display depend on its normal orientation.

Show selected faces
Allows selected faces to be displayed with a specific color. To select this color click on Selected faces color.
Semi-transparent hidded objects.
Hidded objects are semi-transparency displayed.

Use vertexs colors when possible
Show vertexs colors if your object has color information for each point. For example, this allows you to control vertexs colors optimization

Activate accumulation buffer
The activation of this parameter might improve performances on some graphics cards, but it increases memory needs. Unchecked by default, activate it when the rendering is abnormally slow.

Use small icons in toolbars
Check this option to reduce the toolbars icons size.

Colors and lights
Version: Light / for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
menu access : Tools
OpenGL viewer toolbar

Background color
Change OpenGL background color using a color selector.

Selected faces color
Change color of selected faces using a color selector.

Wireframe color (smooth / flat)
Change wireframe color when using flat + wireframe or smooth + wireframe mode.

Lights color
Change the lights color using a color selector. The default lights color is a light gray.

Single spot lighting
Chech this box to use a single light to brighten your scene. This reduce the rendering quality but increase the OpenGL display.

Version: Light / for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
menu access : Tools
OpenGL viewer toolbar

Enable texturing
Chech this box to display textures in the OpenGL viewer.
Textures display reduces speed and increases memory needs, but enhances rendering.

Use low resolution textures
When you display textures, you can reduce memory needs by checking this box. Enter the maximum size (in pixels) for displaying textures in the Maximum image size field. Depending on the value you enter, using low resolution textures decreases rendering quality but increases its speed.

Apply perspective correction
Check this box to improve textures mapping on your objects. This reduces textures deformations when you turn around the scene and reduces openGL speed display.

Use smoothed textures
Check this box to smooth textures and to limit textures aliasing.
This reduces openGL speed display.

Textures directories
Version: Light / for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
menu access : Tools
OpenGL viewer toolbar

You'll find the list of directories where the openGL will look for textures files.
The viewer will look for a given texture file first in the current directory, then in all the directories of this list.

Add path
Use the directory selector to add a directory to the list.

Remove path
Remove the selected directories from the list.