Exportation HTML
Images format and options

HTML Exportation / Images format and options tab
Version: for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
menu access: Tools / HTML exportation...

This tab defines the format used for generating the images and some other options for exporting your files.

Image file format

Select the image format you want to use within your HTML pages. Available formats are the one that are supported in the HTML standard (jpg, gif, png). Click on Properties... to set the format parameters.



By default, only html and htm extension are taken into account when exporting files. However, you might use another extensions for creating your own templates. Enter the extensions to take into account by the command.

For example, your template might includes ASP, CFM, ASPX pages... Add here the required extensions, so the pages will be parsed by the HTML command.

Recognize as HTML files and perform links update...
Pages title

Enter the title used for the HTML pages. Insert # in the title to include the page number. For example, "## - Animals" gives the following titles for the exported pages: "01 - Animals", "02 - Animals"...