HTML exportation
HTML templates and destination

HTML Exportation / HTML templates and destination tab
Version: for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
menu access: Tools / HTML exportation...

This tab defines the templates used to generate the HTML pages and the directory in which pages are created.

HTML template

Select one of the predefined template to export your files. A description and a preview are displayed for each template.

Edit... Click on Edit... to edit the template with an external editor. Select the application you want to use for editing the current selected template.
Destination folder

Select the directory where pages are created and all files needed for pages are copied.

You can enter a path which is relative to the directory containing the files to export. For example, if this directory is C:\tmp\images and if you enter ..\results, pages will be saved in C:\tmp\results.

Name of the sub directory containing the images

Enter the name of the sub directory, which contains the images (or the files themselves if the template export them).

Beware that the content of this directory could be deleted before the exportation. If the directory already exists, a message asks you if you want to delete its content.

HTML pages name

Enter the name of the HTML page to create.
When several pages are created, pages are numbered. Add the # character to define the digit number. For example, page### creates pages numbered page0001, page0002...

When pages already exist in the destination directory, a message asks you to delete them before doing the exportation.

Suffix to add to the thumbnails name

Most of the HTML templates inserts thumbnails within the page, and displays the whole file when the user clicks on the thumbnail.

In this case, 3D Photo Browser creates twofiles: one for the thumbnail, the other for the image at its normal size. 3D Photo Browser adds the suffix you edit to the thumbnails names, to distinguish an image from its thumbnail.


Replace space character in file name by

Check this option to replace spaces by another character. It is better to remove spaces from file names, because space character is not directly usable in HTML language.

Lower case file names Check this option to create lower case files names. As HTML language differentiates lower and upper case characters, it can be easier to use always lower case characters.