Using favorites

Favorites are left bottom in the main window. You can switch from My computer window to Favorites window using the tabulation key.

Adding a favorite
Version: Light / for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
Menu access: favorites
Contextual menu access: right click in the favorites window
Toolbar access

This function adds a favorites in the Favorites window. The default name is the one of the current folder. This favorite give you a fast access to your files.
When a similar favorite already exists, 3D Photo Browser asks you if you want to duplicate it.
You can also create a favorites using drag & drop. Drag a directory or a file from the explorer window or the thumbnails window and drop it to the favorites window.

3D Photo Browser can automatically create favorites, while you browse folders. Favorites are sorted depending on the folder hard disk and the files types contained in the folder. In order to enable this functionality, check the Automatically add directory to the favorites checkbox.

Creating a favorite folder
Version: Light / for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
menu access: Favorites
Contextual menu access: right click in the favorites window

Toolbar access

In order to add a favorites folder

Opening a favorite
Version: Light / for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
Menu access: Favorites
Contextual menu access: right click in the favorites window
Toolbar access
Double click on a favorite

Your favorites directories are on bottom left on the main 3D Photo Browser window. In order to open a favorite directory, double click it. You can:

Deleting a favorite
Version: Light / for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
Menu access: Favorites
Contextual menu access: right click in the favorites window
Toolbar access
Keyboard access : suppr

Select a directory in the favorites window then:

You can delete several favorites using Shift/Ctrl keys.

Organizing favorites by categories
Version: Light / for Dig. Cam. / for 3D Users
Moving a favorite: Drag & drop of the selected favorites
Renaming a favorite: F2 when the 'Favorites' window is active

You can organize your favorites by categories (humans, trees, textures...) on several levels (humans/child, textures/wood…).

Rename a favorite or a favorites folder:

Move a favorite or a favorites folder